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Meet the Team



Mrs Sarah Thompson




Mrs J. Flaifil (Senior Leader)
Mrs. B. Carrá (acting SENCo)
Mrs. A. Watson
Mrs. S. Foster
Mrs. S. Hogben
Miss Z. Witz
Mrs. J. Hagger
Miss A. Enright
Mrs. E. Folkard


The Bridge

Mrs. N. Newton 

Forest School Leader

Mr. M. Crump


Support Staff

Mrs. K. Wilkinson
Ms. P. Foster
Mrs. P. Bowman
Mrs. A. Abberline-Reid
Mrs.  B. Hill
Mrs. N. Halsall
Mr. M. Morris
Mrs. I. Lau
Mrs. S. Hacker
Mrs. A. Missing
Mrs. A. Funnell


Office, site and support staff

Mrs Knight (Office Manager)

Mrs Knott (Office Administrator)

Mr Floyd (Site Manager)

Mrs Goodwin (Finance Officer)


 Mrs Irons | Miss Petty | Miss Payne

(Site Team & Midday Supervisors)

Mrs Dickson | Miss Payne 

(Chartwells Catering Team)



Ivan Hart (Catholic Life, Safeguarding and Health & Safety)

[Appt. 18/4/18 by Archdiocese of Southwark]

Foundation Governors

Kevin Sheridan (Finance)

[Appt. 1/8/19 by Archdiocese of Southwark]

Annabel de Souza (Safeguarding)

[Appt. 1/11/22 by Archdiocese of Southwark]

Jancy Prabha (Quality of Education)

[Appt. 1/12/21 by Archdiocese of Southwark]

Sean Hagger (Co-Opt Committee Member)

[Appt. 16/12/24 by KCSP]

Jonathan Allen (Co-Opt Committee Member)

[Appt. 13/12/24 by KCSP)]

Staff Governor

Mrs Emma Folkard (Professional Development)

[Appt. 7/3/22 by Staff Election]

Parent Governors

Jeremy Graham (Health & Safety and Epic Play)

[Appt. 8/7/21 by Parent Election]

Suzanna Hellawell (Quality of Education)

[Appt. 8/7/21 by Parent Election]

Clerk to the Local Governance Committee

Samantha Paterson (Kent Catholic Schools' Partnership)

Kent Catholic School's Partnership Trust

Find out more about the KCSP team here.