Year R (Early Years)
Welcome to Year R!
Mrs. E. Folkard
Welcome to the Reception Class page!
In Year R, we learn through play and exploration in our enabling, inclusive environment that allows all children to thrive and grow. We have an enticing outside area that we use all year round to support progress in all seven areas of EYFS learning - so don't forget to pack your child's waterproofs and wellies!
The children's progress and learning journeys are showcased on the online app 'Evidence Me' by the adults at school but we encourage parents and carers to follow and add to their child's profile too.
Download the Evidence Me App:
In your child's Reception year at St Augustine's, they will first be assessed against the Birth to 5 Matters and then, in the final term, against the Early Learning Goals. For more information on these documents please click on the links below.
In order to support early reading, we have adopted the Unlocking Letters and Sound Synthetic Phonics Programme. This programme has a carefully selected set of reading books that run alongside it. Therefore, your child will always have a reading book that links directly to their phonic knowledge, helping them to grow in confidence and giving them ample opportunities to practise their growing reading skills. For access to Unlocking Letters and Sounds online lessons, please click on the link below:
(Remember, it is important not to rush ahead through these videos and to only use them for the purposes of consolidation or to catch up on missed sessions).
This year we will also be embarking on an exciting mathematical journey using the NCETM's Maths Mastery program. The programme aims to ensure all children have a solid foundation in early mathematical concepts that they can build on as the progress through the school.
Below is a link to the home learning pages that accompany the Maths Mastery programme.
This year will be full of opportunities for you to join us in school and take part in exciting events and workshops alongside your child. We look forward to having you join us!
Term 1 photo fun!
Term 2 photo fun