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Unlocking Handwriting

Meet our new whole school handwriting programme!

Good handwriting is critical to children's writing progress. It is essential that handwriting is practised until it is fluent and effortless so that the children can put all their effort into thinking about what they are writing.

Unlocking Handwriting is a whole school handwriting programme. The progression used in Unlocking Handwriting follows the National Curriculum progression, with some additional content included based upon a wealth of experience of teaching handwriting in schools, feedback from schools seeking a comprehensive, progressive handwriting programme and updated guidance(including requirements from the National Curriculum).

The progression is structured broadly in units which are broken down into multiple sessions, offering a clear focus for each discrete handwriting lesson. Similar to the structure of Unlocking Letters and Sounds phonics sessions, Unlocking Handwriting provides ‘Mastery’ units for children to embed and secure the knowledge they have previously learnt.

The programme also provides frequent opportunities for children to revisit previous learning and embed this before further refining their handwriting skills